Museum of Family History additions

Steve Lasky of the virtual Museum of Family History announces new additions to his excellent website:

Great Artists Series: The Immortal Al Jolson
With the cooperation of the International Al Jolson Society, there’s a 27-page exhibit with 17 short video clips and 48 sound clips. In “The Jewish Side of Jolson,” hear Jolson sing “Kol Nidre,” “Hatikvah,” and “Cantor on the Sabbath,” (in Yiddish). Steve notes this exhibit is best viewed with hi-speed Internet access and an updated media player.

Cemetery Project
A new unique surnames list for Wielun, Poland list. Updates for Czernowitz and Pryluky, Ukraine, as well as Szczuczyn, Poland.

Sonia Pressman Fuentes is a public speaker, writer, lawyer, and co-founder of NOW (National Organization for Women). She has written about her family life in the Catskills in the 1930s-1940s. Find this on the Site Map page under “ERC Lecture Series.”

Living in America: Neighborhoods — Brooklyn, New York
“Holocaust to Herzel Street” and “The Loew’s Pitkin….”

Family History Theatre
The Museum’s Family History Theatre represents the interactive, multimedia aspects of the site. Take the Museum’s initial “virtual tour.” Recently added is a series of video excerpts from interviews conducted with the Rosenthals from Miskolc and Vac, Hungary. They are part of the Museum’s ongoing exhibition “Walk in My Shoes: Collected Memories of the Holocaust.”

Postcards from Home
Pre-war family photos from Grodno, Belarus; Berlin, Germany; Rezekne/Rezhitsa, Latvia; Duskieniki and Vilkaviskis, Lithuania; Czestochowa and Zambrow, Poland; Pskov, Russia, and Czernowitz/Cernauti and Mukachevo/Munkacs, Ukraine.

Yiddish World
Chapters 16-19 of Yiddish acting great Maurice Schwartz’s biography “Once a Kingdom.”

There is much more to peruse on the site.

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