Everton Genealogical Helper: Online Edition

Everton’s Genealogical Helper in print has been around for 62 years. As of July 1, it will add an Online Edition.

Genealogy Online (which does business as Everton Publishers) is the Helper‘s publisher also publishes the best-seller guidebook for family history researchers – Handybook for Genealogists – now in its 11th edition.

Helper editor Leland K. Meitzler – he also writes the Genealogy Blog – has just sent information about a new venture.

A major portion of the Helper is now focused on Internet family history. This very popular section began in the September-October 2006 issue. In-depth reviews are included on websites that the Helper considers to be the best on the Internet. These are grouped by topic, and a special issue on genealogy blogs is planned for the January-February 2009 issue.

What makes this new venture more important is that the Helper will have an online edition in addition to the print version.

The online edition will launch July 1, at an annual subscription of a mere $10 until that date ($12 later). It is an identical copy of the 176-page traditional print edition – but complete with hotlinks to hundreds of website addresses. Current print edition subscribers will have complete free access to the magazine – no extra fees. For more information, click here.

The Net Family History section is a magazine within a magazine. New information specific to using the Internet for genealogy is always found in this part of the bimonthly publication, along with extensive website reviews and articles dealing with Internet-related activities.

Meitzler adds that because some of the most exciting genealogical resource advances are taking place online, it is important that this information should be provided to the Helper‘s thousands of readers in every issue. Readers will be able to go from the paper edition to the hotlinked online edition to access any included website.

The online edition will be in PDf format (Adobe Acrobat Reader required) and it will be hosted by FamilyLink.com, Inc. (parent company of World Vital Records).

The Helper also offers, in addition to the Internet section, how-to and historical articles, genealogical sharing, extensive book and CD-ROM reviews and announcements, queries, the most complete event calendar anywhere, and hundreds of ads for new products and services.

In addition, subscribers will also have access to the new updated, hotlinked Directory of Genealogical and Historical Societies – coming in the Sept/Oct and Nov-Dec issues! Edited by Leland K. Meitzler, the Helper is guaranteed to help you extend your lines and fill in those blanks in your family tree.

What will you get for your $10 (before July 1)? You’ll have the print magazine and online access for less than 3 cents per page. What a deal!

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