Pennsylvania: Beau Sharbrough, June 16

All researchers in the greater Philadelphia area should be interested in this program with vice president of content Beau Sharbrough.

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Philadelphia will host Beau at their next meeting at 7.30pm Monday, June 16, at Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, in Elkins Park. Note that the date is a departure from their regularly scheduled meetings.

The topic is Jewish Research on

I’ve heard Beau speak at many conferences – his talks are always valuable and presented with great humor. I highly recommend attending his talks.

Footnote is a great resource. If you haven’t used it yet, look at Tracing the Tribe’s right column and see the FootNote search widget. My latest find on FootNote is a record of a relative in Moscow who was head of an auditing committee and was giving testimony which had been translated into English. I just located this a few days ago – it was completely unexpected! As always, be creative in your spelling of family names.

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