Chicago 2008: Banquet speaker Lisa Lipkin

Professional storyteller, writer and educator Lisa Lipkin combines her family history, personal experiences and imagination as she tours internationally, speaking at festivals, theatres, museums and schools.

At the 28th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy (August 17-22) in Chicago, she’ll be the banquet speaker and present “Who Towed Noah’s Ark? An Evening of Urban Stories which Bring the Bible to Life.”

Did you know Noah’s ark got towed? Even got an apple computer? Get the inside scoop on these and other stories when Lisa Lipkin entertains us for an evening of original midrashim, designed to keep you laughing for forty days and forty nights.

Lipkin’s been a featured artist on national public radio, NBC, CBS, and Public Television. Her articles and stories have appeared in the New Yorker, the New York Times Magazine, Self, Parents, Family Fun, Jerusalem Report, and Family Circle, as well as in a monthly column for The Forward. She is also a columnist with Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad, the Netherlands’ oldest Jewish newspaper.

Bringing the Story Home: The Complete Guide to Storytelling for Parents (Norton 2000) is a “how-to ” book for parents and educators with more than 100 original ideas and activities for integrating storytelling into home life.

On Thursday morning at the conference, Lipkin will present a session on “A Professional Storyteller’s Tips and Tricks for Collecting Family Stories.”

Attendees will learn how to tap into and share family secrets and stories. She will make use of her original and highly interactive techniques, helping educators, social workers, families, and individuals to find a safe and effective way to reawaken and share meaningful memories.

Attendees must register for the banquet (fee-added). For all conference details, including hotel, registration, full program schedule, Film Festival, computer workshops, luncheons and more, click here.

One Response

  1. When searching through one of our storage areas we located a whole section of Jewish Genealogy that we will be adding to our site and also FamilyLink. One of the titles we located is the Große Judische National-Biographie. I still need to locate Vol 6. We hope to have much, much more digitized soon.

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