New look for Tracing the Tribe

Yes, you are in the right place! Don’t change that station! This is still Tracing the Tribe – with a slightly new look.

I made the somewhat traumatic decision to switch to the newer Layout feature of Blogger from the old Template format. I’d been putting it off as I had visions of losing the entire blog and all postings since August 2006. Fortunately, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and was actually rather simple.

When I made that decision, I decided to tweak things a bit and make it easier to read with a lighter background for the posts. Please let me know how you like it.

Some things still have to be tweaked and added in again, such as the Tag Cloud, but I’m working on it.

Another thing to cross off my to-do list.

14 Responses

  1. Schelly,
    It looks great. I’ve been wondering about my own dark background so this is timely! Will you add back your beautiful mast photo?

  2. Hi, Kathryn,
    thanks for writing. I decided that after complaining about others who printed on dark backgrounds that I’d better do something. I’m glad you like it.

    Would you believe I forgot about the mast photo? Now I have to see where it is and where it came from originally. I may need to find another one to use!

    I’m still having problems with the tag cloud – keep getting errors – but I’m plugging away at it.


  3. Thank you Schelly! The lighter background is easier on those of us with cataracts that are not ready for surgery yet.
    Judy Simon

  4. Hi, Judy,
    Thanks for writing. The green wasn’t as bad as some other blogs that use even darker backgrounds with light text, but I wanted to make it easier for everyone. I hadn’t thought about the cataract problem, but I’m happy it has helped.

    Also, of course, everyone can make the posting text larger, if necessary, by hitting VIEW->TEXT SIZE in the top bar of the browser and adjusting it there.


  5. Hi Schelly,

    I like the soft soothing green and the white background. I tend to red, white and blue myself, it seems.

    I’ve been putting off switching to the new Blogger format – I have the same fears you had. I’m glad to see that a large blog with over a thousand posts can switch over.

    Did you have to add back in your web sites and blog links? It’s not as hard I know – I’ve done it on my other smaller blogs.

    How long did it take for the switch-over?

    I especially want to be able to click on my topic tags.

    Thanks for the encouragement! —

  6. Hi, Randy.
    The blog and site links are automatic switchovers. Didn’t have to touch them. What I did have to manually post were the little add-ons for Yahoo and Google, BlogCatalog, BlogLines, email alerts and RSS subscriptions, Tag Cloud, SiteMeter and my Headline Animators.

    For most of these, I only had to copy-and-paste the code from the old template into the correct boxes on the new one, which is a tweaked color variation of the old one. I felt it was better to keep something of the old look so readers would still feel comfortable.

    Everything appeared almost instantly. The only trouble I had was the Tag Cloud, but I figured it out. Now the only thing left to add is the widget for Search This Site.

    What I did was open the blog homepage in one window, and in another work on the template editing section. I kept refreshing the homepage to check it, which seems to work better than previewing from the editing window.

    First I copied the complete code for the old site into a Word doc, so I’d always have my own copy. But Blogger keeps a copy of the classic template online for reference also.

    Try it, you’ll like it. The only thing it took was a lot of time to add in all the little thingies and keep checking it. I did spend hours doing that, but it was only mildly annoying.

    I’m happy you like the new look.


  7. Looks great. So much easier to read. Really like your posts.

  8. Looks great. Keep up the great work.

  9. Schelly

    Your new layout is much more user friendly, particularly as the link to my blog has now re-appeared [smile].
    I was in Padua and visited the Katezenellenbogen graves – will write about it. Thanks for your help.

    Chaim Freedman

  10. Chaim,

    Thank you for taking the time to comment, and I’m happy you like the new look.

    I’m looking forward to hearing about your Padua trip.


  11. Frankie,

    Thanks for your kind words, and for taking the time to comment. I do like to hear from readers.


  12. Hi Schelly,
    Love the new look!

    Its clear and easy to read and as always the content is fabulous.

    Gaby Cemetery Project

  13. Hi, Gaby,

    Thanks for writing!


  14. Hi Schelly…..
    Glad to see that you have gone green. Nice, pleaseant look allows the reader to concentrate on the content – always great!
    Hope to see you soon in DC.

    Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington

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