New Look: Now a search box!

Along with Tracing the Tribe’s new look, readers now have a handy-dandy Search Box.

It is located directly above the Tag Cloud.

Type in a search term, hit search, and results will pop up above the postings. The default is Tracing the Tribe, but there is also a tab for Web.

More tweaking to come in the future.


2 Responses

  1. Hi Schelly,

    I’m not sure if I left a comment before on your blog, but you are always welcome to submit posts to the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy. The topic for this upcoming edition is on a male ancestor, and the deadline is June 12. (I’m sorry for the last minute, notice.)I have a submission form on the right side of my blog, Jessica’s Genejournal.



  2. Hi, Jessica,

    Thank you for the invitation. I’ve been a bit busy and have neglected Jasia’s COG and yours. Now that I’ve got the “new look” almost done, maybe I can take some time off and write more for the carnivals. They are an excellent idea and force us to consider writing on topics we might not have addressed without this “incentive.”

    Jessica, thank you so much for writing. Now I have to add a bunch of blogs to my blog roll, which I have also neglected for months.

    And I have to find my COG badge to put on my blog. It was here somewhere and disappeared.


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