Argentina: Paul Armony z’l

Jewish genealogy has lost a great friend, passionate colleague and dedicated researcher. I was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Paul Armony of Argentina, who died October 24, 2008 (25 Tishri 5769).

The founding President of the Sociedad Argentina de Genealogía Judia – today the Asociacion de Genealogia Judia de Argentina – Paul was truly the force behind that society and its many achievements. As editor of the society’s journal, Toldot, he was honored by the IAJGS.

Paul is survived by his wife Eva; sons Ariel, Victor and Jorge; brother Alberto and family, two daughters-in-law and five grandchildren.

Burial will be this morning (Sunday, October 26) in the La Tablada cemetery according to Jewish tradition.

For more information and to read messages of condolence, view the AGJA site. Messages may be sent to


I knew Paul for many years, and had known of him for several years before we finally met in person. We communicated occasionally through the years. He was always most generous with his time and assistance to colleagues around the world attempting to research Argentinean family branches.

Although living in Argentina, he spent time in Montreal – two sons are university professors – and returned to Argentina.

Stan Diamond of the Montreal JGS wrote that he experienced “first hand the depth of his [Paul’s] interests, the breadth of his knowledge, the intensity of his spirit and the inner drive that has made the Asociacion de Genealogia Judia de Argentina a leader in making important Jewish genealogical resources available to researchers around the world. We are all diminished by the loss of this most generous colleague and friend.”

Carlos Glikson of Argentina wrote that “Paul was an example of knowledge, generosity and strength, and – as a tireless, perseverant and devoted leader – resolutely impulsed and organized the advance of Jewish genealogy in Argentina.”

He will be missed by everyone who knew him, who was inspired by him and who received his generous help. May his family be comforted.

3 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for your kind words about my father. I’ve set up a memorial blog for him:


  2. Thank you so much for your kind words about my father. I’ve set up a memorial blog for him:


  3. Thank you so much for your kind words about my father. I’ve set up a memorial blog for him:


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